First session queasies?

You know you want to start counselling, but the idea of being vulnerable with a stranger, or of explaining your whole story again just feels… terrifying, exhausting, and perhaps completely daunting.

It doesn’t help that all the therapists and counsellors you read about seem to practice differently, and that you have know idea what all the acronym’s mean that are supposed to help you choose a therapist (CBT ACT DBT EMDR ABCDEFGH Whhhhat??!?!)

In creating High Esteem Counselling, it’s been a personal value of mine to demystify the therapy process as much as possible. I want you to know what to expect coming in, and for you to actually get a sense of what working with me might feel like.

I also do my best to spare you the therapy jargon so that you can actually understand what I’m saying and see if I’m a fit.

I’m all about unpretentious, collaborative therapy.


Let’s face it: not all of us trust easily. Not all of us find it easy to be vulnerable, and some of us shut down when forced to open up too quickly. And for most of us, the most meaningful and helpful interactions are with those who know and trust us most. Why should this be any different in counselling?

I’m a big believer in the therapeutic relationship. This means that I’m focused on building trust with you and getting to know you, at whatever pace is comfortable, so that our work together can be effective and supportive. I don’t start with comprehensive assessments of your entire life history, but instead focus on understanding who you are, what you want to strive for, and what brings you to therapy in the first place.

Our first session will focus on the things causing you distress, what your coping tools look like, and what has been helpful or unhelpful in the past. We’ll look at what you want to get out of therapy, and look at the mental, emotional, and situational factors that might be contributing to your distress. We might workshop some tools that we can start to work on right away walking away from session, as we start to unpack your situation so that both of us can better understand your needs.

We’ll go deeper as we move forward (in future sessions), and you’ll be in charge of the pace; our therapy is shaped around your unique personality, goals, wants and needs of therapy. Just know, though, that when you come to your first session, there are no expectations.

Please, come as you are. Our sessions will unfold as they’re supposed to, at the pace that works for you. There is no right way to be in therapy, no right way to do therapy, and no right or wrong way to present yourself. You be you, and I will work with you to guide the process in a pace and style that suits your needs.



3 Easy Steps to Prep for Session 1



Start to think about your goals. What do you want to get out of therapy?


Fill out your intake and consent forms before session. This saves us time and provides focus.


Set yourself up in a private and comfortable space. Make it cozy!




Fill Out Your Forms

Filling out your forms before session gives us more time in the first session to get to know each other and start to talk about your concerns. It also helps me keep our sessions focused, helpful, and supportive.


Think About Comfort/Privacy

Make sure you’re setting up for your virtual session in a place that is private; this might help you feel more comfortable opening up, and will help keep our sessions confidential. It also helps to set up your virtual counselling space in a way that brings you comfort. Do you like candles? Blankets? Fuzzy slippers? Your little weiner dog named Oppie (oh wait, that’s me!).


Overplan & Over-Prep

Simply put, the planning and preparation is my job. Don’t do this. Thinking about your goals (i.e. what you want to get from therapy) and what isn’t working for you right now is more than good enough. The sessions will happen as they will- let’s get you comfy first.


Therapy is a radical act of self-care. Are you ready to put yourself first, and Hold Yourself in High Esteem?


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