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Are you struggling to feel worthy and fulfilled?

It might not feel like it, but you're not alone. We live in a culture of "hustle and grind", one that tells us to keep pushing through, to "pull ourselves up by our bootstraps" and stop complaining. You might be looking around at your peers and colleagues and thinking that you’re the only one who's struggling to feel confident, to move forward towards your goals, and to feel worthy, whole, and happy in your life, relationships, and career.

 I help you learn, lean into, and utilize your strengths to build the life and career you want and deserve.

I love working with ambitious young professionals who struggle to recognize their worth.

I struggled with my confidence and self worth, too, and for a very long time. I was (and am) as ambitious and driven as they come, but for a long time I struggled to believe in myself and see the strengths that would later become my gifts. One day, I sought out therapy, and remember giving voice to my worst fear in that first session: "I know that it's confidence that holds me back, and I'm scared that if I don't do something to change this, this is all that I will ever be'. 

What I was in that moment was someone who was perpetually anxious, scared, self-critical, self-doubting, and stuck in a perfectionistic loop that kept me from moving forward. Perhaps you feel this way, too. I didn't feel worthy at work, and therefore I ended up in the wrong jobs and hated everything about every day at work. My ambition was still there, and kept me wanting more but feeling completely lost. The worst part of all was that I was starting to hate myselfmy self esteem was sinking lower and lower by the day.

Here's the thing: I was one of the lucky ones. I was encouraged to seek out support, and I found a great therapist who helped me lean into my strengths. She supported me as I found my way forward, landing myself in a Masters of Social work program which eventually lead me to this very counselling practice. I believe that my experience makes me a better therapist: because I can relate to the struggles of my clients in a deep way, and I have not only studied the tools to move forward, but used them too. It's my turn to pay it forward.

Since completing my MSW and starting my work as a social worker and therapist, I've met countless people who struggle with the very same thing. The more I speak about it, the more I am met with enthusiastic confessions of "me too" from others who have felt the same way as they build their careers and make critical life decisions. As I started to counsel more and more clients, I realized that confidence and self esteem at work is an incredible detriment to so many peoples careers and lives.  Yet, so many people feel like they are the problem and that they're alone in it. The reality is that this couldn't be further from the truth. 


My counselling is for you if…

You are 18 or older and live in either British Columbia or Ontario, where I am registered to practice.

You’re ambitious and driven, but doubting every step you take.

You’re a go getter, but the only place you’re “getting” to is one where you feel stuck, lost, and unfulfilled.

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You’re always chasing perfection and struggle to feel worthy because of it.

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You struggle to make, stand by, and/or feel confident in your decisions.


You feel stressed, anxious, overwhelmed, inadequate, unfulfilled, or any of the above.


You want to overcome the distress you’re in, manage your thoughts & emotions in more helpful ways, and start living a fulfilling live!


But eek, therapy? For me?


I’m not gonna beat around the bush here: starting therapy can be intimidating. You might be worried that you’ll feel or look awkward in therapy, that you won’t know where to start, or that you’re scared that you’ll open a “whole can of worms” that you won’t be able to control. Or, perhaps, you might be telling yourself that your problems aren’t ‘big enough’ for therapy.

Please rest assured that many people feel awkward when they start therapy, and that this discomfort is both normal and temporary. Please also know that there is no ‘right way’ to do therapy: you simply come as you are, and then it’s my job to create a sense of safety and comfort as we build up that trust.

No problem is too small for therapy: anything that causes distress, or anything you could use support with, is a good enough reason to seek counselling. It’s not your job to “do therapy right”- that’s why I’m here, to help guide the process in a way that is supportive to your personality, comfort, needs, and therapy goals.

I invite you to think about therapy as a way to a) understand yourself better, and b) find the tools, insight, and strength you need to move forward with intention. Think clarity and insight, paired with support in taking action, all the while with someone walking beside you to support you along the way.

My approach is conversational, collaborative, and eclectic, and I'll let you be in the drivers seat and dictate the pace according to your comfort, needs, and goals. I always do my best to spare you the therapy jargon (if you hate the acronyms, feel free to stop reading now!), but in case its important to you, I pull from modalities such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Narrative Therapy, and strength based approaches.


I like what I’m hearing… but now what?


Decide if I’m a fit

First, it’s important to consider what you want from therapy. What do you not want to feel, and how might you feel if therapy were successful? If I were to wave a wand and get rid of the “problem” that brings you to therapy, what would your life look like?

Next, take another look at my website and ask yourself if I’m hitting any chords. Does it feel like I’m speaking to you directly? Do I talk about resolving challenges that you have, or building the life that you want? If so, we might be a fit.


Book a free 20 minute consult

You’ve read and listened to all the things, but you still have more questions. No problem- I’ve got you! Just schedule a free consult call via my online booking platform using the button below. This is a quick 20 minute call to see if I’m the right fit for you. This is not a therapy session, but you’ll have a chance to ask any questions you need answers before you book your first session.

PSST: Make sure to book in your local time zone. Calendar times are in PST, so ON folks, please check World time buddy before you book.


Book your first session!

You’ve read over my website and you’ve sussed out my vibe. Perhaps we’ve even had a wonderful 20 minute consult.

Now, there’s only one thing to do: book your first session using the button below. Make sure to book in your local time zone. Calendar times are in PST, so ON folks, please check World time buddy before you book.

Are you ready to hold yourself in high esteem?